You may need to launch the MATLAB GUI on a personal laptop, where the data were not processed by the software itself, so where you only have MATLAB and SpyKING CIRCUS is not installed. This is feasible with the following procedure:

  • Copy the the result folder mydata on your computer
  • Create a MATLAB mapping for the probe you used, i.e. mapping.hdf5 (see the following procedure below to create it)
  • Open MATLAB
  • Set the folder circus/matlab_GUI as the default path
  • Launch the following command SortingGUI(sampling, 'mydata/mydata', '.mat', 'mapping.hdf5', 2)

You just need to copy the following code snippet into a file

import sys, os, numpy, h5py

probe_file = os.path.abspath(sys.argv[1])

def generate_matlab_mapping(probe):
    p         = {}
    positions = []
    nodes     = []
    for key in probe['channel_groups'].keys():
        nodes     +=  probe['channel_groups'][key]['channels']
        positions += [p[channel] for channel in probe['channel_groups'][key]['channels']]
    idx       = numpy.argsort(nodes)
    positions = numpy.array(positions)[idx]

    t     = "mapping.hdf5"
    cfile = h5py.File(t, 'w')
    to_write = {'positions' : positions/10., 'permutation' : numpy.sort(nodes), 'nb_total' : numpy.array([probe['total_nb_channels']])}
    for key in ['positions', 'permutation', 'nb_total']:
        cfile.create_dataset(key, data=to_write[key])
    return t

probe = {}
with open(probe_file, 'r') as f:
    probetext =
    exec probetext in probe

mapping = generate_matlab_mapping(probe)

And then simply launch:

>> python yourprobe.prb

Once this is done, you should see a file mapping.hdf5 in the directory where you launch the command. This is the MATLAB mapping.


If you do not have h5py installed on your machine, launch this script on the machine where SpyKING CIRCUS has been launched


After the converting step, you must have a folder mydata/mydata.GUI. You simply need to copy this folder onto a computer without SpyKING CIRCUS, but only phy. Then you just need to copy the following code snippet into a file

from phy import add_default_handler
from phy.utils._misc import _read_python
from phy.gui import create_app, run_app
from phycontrib.template import TemplateController

gui_params                   = {}
gui_params['dat_path']       = DATAPATH
gui_params['n_channels_dat'] = TOTAL_NB_CHANNELS
gui_params['n_features_per_channel'] = 5
gui_params['dtype']          = DATATYPE
gui_params['offset']         = DATA_OFFSET
gui_params['sample_rate']    = SAMPLE_RATE
gui_params['hp_filtered']    = True

controller = TemplateController(**gui_params)
gui = controller.create_gui()
del gui

You need to edit the appropriate values in capital letters, and then simply copy it into the mydata.GUI folder. Now you can do, once in the mydata.GUI folder:

>> python

If the raw data are not found, the Traceview will not be displayed. If you really want to see that view, remember that you need to get the raw data filtered, so you must also copy them back from your sorting machine.